I was thrown away
Aurreko egunian tea hartu ondoren hurrengo egunian bateriya kargatzea herrira, laayunnea, kotxian eramateko gerau nitzan semeakin. Aurrena tea hartu genun. Bi ordu beti bezela te bakoitzeako.
Laayunetik bueltatzean jaimatik bidali ninduten. Gendarmeak nere galdezka joan omen ziren, ea zertan ai nitzan han eta amonak builaka bidali nindun bertatik aitonak sorbaldatik heldu eta esaten zidan bitartian: ^Las cosas por aqui estan muy mal hijo, ahora debes marcharte. Adios^
Hitzegiten nuen pertsona bakoitza arriskuan jartzen nun sentsaziyua nekan. Benetako arriskuan. Eta palpatu itenun hori. Baina goiz hartarte enun ikusi. Eztakit holako presiyuakin nola dakaen bizitzea ere.
The day after I helped the son to town for charching the battery. As fast as we came back I was thrown away from the jaima. The gendarms came asking who I was so the mam was yelling to me while the dad hold me from my shoulder and told:: they things are mad here son, now u must go::
So I left.
De txatxara Gustora Jaiman -- Sahara
Kotxia arrankatzen etzan izan emateun bezain errexa eta azkenian, nola nere kabliak txinuak zian eta etzuen kontaktuik iten ba sokakin bultzaka arrankau behar izan ginun hogeitazortzigarrenian.
Gero plazer handi bat izan zan arratsalde bukaera de txatxara pasatzia te baten bueltan.
Luzia da, aburrituantzat o funtzionaiuantzat o maixuantzat
It took us longer than it seems turning the car on, cause my wires were quite shit and their car even shitter. After that I had a great time enjoying a tea and speaking in the jaima for a long time. We both, having our own diferent languages, had spanish as commun language, the one that some old saharawi men still speak nicely cause the sahara was a spanish colony long time ago.
Its long, no conplains so, just fo the ones bored
Kotxia Arrankatzen
Saharara sartu bezain laixter Laayuneko kostatik urbil pasa zan. Ondo hasi zan baina etzan batere ondo bukatu.
It was just after arrived in Laaiune, one of the main cities of the disputed Sahara. I didnt end well.
It was just after arrived in Laaiune, one of the main cities of the disputed Sahara. I didnt end well.
Treachuries Hiru
Noizean behiin bidian aurkitu dituten olatu batzuk jarrikoitut. Nik beste inor enun ikusi uretan asike nere deskubrimendu bezela hartukoitut. Pista batzuk utzinitun bidian halare.
Treachuries Bi
Noizean behiin bidian aurkitu dituten olatu batzuk jarrikoitut. Nik beste inor enun ikusi uretan asike nere deskubrimendu bezela hartukoitut. Pista batzuk utzinitun bidian halare.
Treachuries Bat
Noizean behiin bidian aurkitu dituten olatu batzuk jarrikoitut. Nik beste inor enun ikusi uretan asike nere deskubrimendu bezela hartukoitut. Pista batzuk emateitut halare gauza gutxin truke.
Once a while Ill post a few secret points hardly ever surfed before that I ve found through Africa. And even if they were, surfed I mean, I dont give a shit. Already named them!
Algunos de los sitios que voy encontrando en la costa de Africa. Los nombres de los sitios, y donde estaban, se me han ambos recien olvidado asi que los renombro como an du trua catr ect ect
Once a while Ill post a few secret points hardly ever surfed before that I ve found through Africa. And even if they were, surfed I mean, I dont give a shit. Already named them!
Algunos de los sitios que voy encontrando en la costa de Africa. Los nombres de los sitios, y donde estaban, se me han ambos recien olvidado asi que los renombro como an du trua catr ect ect
Umiak aurkitu dittut - Maroc
Esplikatu beharra dakat aurrena ze disko gogorra galdu eta borratuta aurkitu nuenian galdu nun gauza garrantzitsu bakarra nuen pelikularik onena zan. Umiak aurkitu nituen momentukoa.
Hitzez aber reproduzitzeten gertatutakua.
Gaueko 12 ak aldera Denisen etxetik bakoitza bere etxera abiatu ginan afaldu eta gero. Nik Boilers-en ondoan dauden arbusto batzutara.
Bidian bi enano ikusi nitun geratzeko iten eta gerau eta barrura sartu zian. Nik nola frantsezez eztakaten ideaik enakin noa junaizuen eta amak earra bronka botako ziyela esan nien.
Total, kotxian 5 km baino geio in eta geo konturatu nitzan haiek etzijoaztela inora eta amaik edo aitaik etzekatela.
Hala ba mapa bat atera eta ea nora junaizuen esan niyen eta risilla hartian orduerdi pasa eta geo Essaouira esate zien beti asike Essaouira pentsau ginun.
Baina Essaouira 3 ordutara edo dao eta aparkatu, zeoze kozinatu eta jan eta han lo egingo genula dezidiu ginun unanimidadez.
Kasualidadia neguko gaurik hotzenetako batian.
Hurrengo egunian, motxila bat, erropa pixkat eta lau duro eman eta penakin destinuan utzi nitun mikrobiyuak.
Egun luze batzutan enitun burutik kendu.
I found these kids on the road to my sleeping point at 1 am or so after thet nice dinner as everyday at Dennises place.
I realize after they came in that they didnt have nowhere to go so with hardly understanding we made an agreement of going to Essaouira the next day.
It was to late go nowehere and we had to sleep and eat before.
It was one the coldest nights of the Maroc-ian winter and there was no sense in left them behind
I didnt forget them for a while.
Encontre estos dos enanos a la una de la madrugada en la carretera. No tenian a donde ir y nos dirigimos hacia Essaouira que estaba en el quinto carajo.
Hacia frio, era tarde, asi que comimos y sobamos y partimos hacia destino otra vez a duras penas entendiendonos.
The crew of Tagha
This is when you NEver have to double click.
I gave myself just a job, I was in charge of just that.
It was a ok day in Boilers a Shannon got one of the best ones in the inside.
And as always,, I got nervous and I did shitttt , double click
How simple can be perfect. Estif. After a dinner at Dennises.
PD. Dont have any video of him but Dennis had to be here as the main Cheff of the group, of course and Jason as the best eeeater
Nice to meet u guys
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